Not much of a proper blog today just kind of a catch up/ update blog.
So those of you who saw the way my blog was when I first started it was a basic template quite plain and boring, well I have re designed it. I have: Changed the background, changed the layout, updated my profile. I have basically been just seein what I can do to make it even better.
Another thing as well is that when I first started this blog I was getting 1 view a day. I now have 62 blog views and 54 profile views. Yes I know its not that much but my views are from
The Philippines
New Zealand
and more!!
To think that people half way across the world are reading my blog is pretty amazing to me.
I'm sorry if this was boring but I think my content is lacking enthusiasm at the moment but I'm just a bit stressed.
Anyways this was just a little update post so back to normal tomorrow with "My School Essentials" make sure to give it a read! <3
So this was a pointless post to be honest but nevermind because I'm
Just Another Girl xx
UPDATE: As of the 1st of October 2015 my blog will have an new and improved design hope you like it!!!! xx